Southgate Youtube Channel

Friday, March 12, 2010

Film Posters and Photography. Corey Samuel.

Here are Coreys Film Posters and some of his photography, the posters look excellent, some good work is happening with this group and I'm really proud of them. Lets keep it up and get even better!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jake Samuels NOW Photography

Jake has produced some good night shots that show a very lonely, empty world. Good images that are very evocative and have a very good aesthetic.

Rachel Ingle NOW Photography

Rachel was looking at Fashion and fashion Icons, here are a few of her pictures.

Alice Hutchby Photography

Alice has worked well on her black & white photography, here are a few examples of her work.

BBC Studios Trip. Skins. Channel 4.

We went to the BBC just before Christmas, but even before we got there we met a star from the Channel 4 programme 'Skins', Kathryn Prescott [left] who plays Emily was happy to pose with our group. We had a really informative trip and we saw something of how television works. Rudina, Alex and Rachel played the Weakest Link, Alex won!

Jazmines pictures NOW

A couple of good images from Jazmine. They have a really good sense of style and composition.

Jema Kamil Now assignment.

Here are some of Jemas pictures in context, the magazine cover works really well.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

NOW selected images

These are some of Ryans images and I think he's done a good job.
